Amiga Format CD 6
Amiga Format AFCD06 (Nov 1996, Issue 90).iso
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\/SOFTWARE.\/ \/___| \/\/ \/
AGA Experience Vol 1. ©1995 SAdENESS SOFTWARE - All Rights Reserved
. .. ... .... ___________________________ .... ... .. .
Please Note: This is the contents list of the full AGA Experience CDROM.
This is what you will get when you buy this CD. Not everything on the full
CD is listed here though, there is more than on this list!!
Hint: If you are using the default 'PPMore' to read this contents list, you
can press the 'S' key to search for a particular title. Also, you can click
on the 'Goto...' button at the bottom of the screen(or the 'G' key) to go
through this list quickly. For example, Goto 50 would take you exactly
half-way through.
** Index: Utilities/Comms **
INFO: Programs concerning MODEM usage.
Backarc - Dearchives downloads automatically.
Dialing Codes - Type in a phone code and it will tell you the town.
Mosaic - Popular World Wide Web (WWW) browser. Needs MUI.
Term - The most popular Comms software.
UUxT - UUencode & UUdecode to send files via E-Mail. Easy to use.
** Index: Utilities/Datatypes **
INFO: These Datatypes allow some modern software to access foreign file
formats by using the relevant Datatype.
AIFF - Sound Datatype
AOM_RAW_DT - Sound Datatype
BMP_datatype - Picture Datatype
GIF - Picture Datatype
HSN_DT - Maxon Magic Sound Datatype
InfoDataType - Amiga Icon Datatype
jfif_dtc - JPEG/JFIF Picture Datatype
MacSND - Apple Macintosh Sound Datatype
MAUD_dt - Toccata Sound Board Sample Datatype
PCX - Picture Datatype
post - Postscript Datatype (requires post.library)
QRT_DT - PovRay Dump Format Datatype
reko.datatype - Klondike Cardsets Datatype
SampleVision_dt - MSDOS Sound Datatype
sun.datatype - Sun Raster file (SUN Picture) Datatype
TPD - Another PCX picture Datatype
TX16W_DataType - Yamaha Sample Sound Datatype
VOC - Sound Datatype
WAV - Sound Datatype (Mainly IBM/PC)
wpg.datatype - Wordperfect Bitmap Picture Datatype
** Index: Utilities/Disktools **
INFO: Utilities to enhance/alter your Amiga's disk usage.
AmiCDFileSystem - A CDROM filesfyetm supporting Mac CDs.
AmiCDROM - Popular CDROM filesystem for SCSI CDROMS.
CacheIt - A Floppy Cache (speed-up) program.
CD32Goodies - Various little tools for CD32 owners.
CDPlay - A small CD player for Xetec CD software.
CD_Stop - Stops the CD spinning on CD32.
DiskMon - Diskmonitor/Editor (USE WITH CARE!!)
DiskSalv2 - Recovers corrupted disks.
HDOff - Switches off IDE drives after set time-saves power & noise.
HD-Tools - Various useful A1200 HD Tools (some German programs).
ReOrg - Optimizes (speeds-up) disk access.
SmartCache - A Floppy Cache (speed-up) program.
StatRam3 - A RAM disk that survives resets.
** Index: Utilities/Emulation **
INFO: Programs concerning emulating another computer on your Amiga.
Emplant - This drawer contains miscellaneous tools for Emplant..
FrodoV1.3 - C64 Emulator.
PC-TaskDemo3_1 - Demo of great PC emulator.
Shapeshifter - A Shareware Macintosh Emulator (requires Mac ROM)
ZXam - Speccy emulator.
** Index: Utilities/Graphics **
NOTE: Due to the large amount of programs in this drawer, they are separated
into other drawers eg. (A-G) etc.
INFO: Programs concerned with Graphics/pictures.
1942PatchAGA - Updates WB to deal with 1940/1942/VGA/Multiscan monitors.
AAStarter - Use startup menu with VGA monitors.
Ad - GFX viewer/Ripper.
AGAiff - IFF to RAW convertor.
AGA_Test - Shows all the colours the AGA chipset is capable of showing.
aMiPEG_0.4 - Shows MPEG animations.
Anim3D - Plays 3D animations in multitasking windows.
AnimPoint - Animates the mouse pointer.
ART-Pro - Image manipulator/convertor.
Bview_133 - IFF viewer.
CG_Demo - AGA character generator for video work.
CheckAGA - Checks whether the AGA chipset is installed
cloudsaga - Creates beautiful AGA cloud paterns.
doublex - Ensures that all screens support VGA monitors.
DT2IFF1.0 - Converts Datatype pictures to IFF/ILBM.
DTView - Shows any picture you have a Datatype for.
FastJPEG - Fastest JPEG viewer available.
FastView - Shows IFF/GIF files.
FixSprite1_03 - Fixes AGA pointer bug.
Flick_1_4 - Plays FLI/FLC animations.
Fractint - Fractal/Mandelbrot generator.
Graphics_Card - This drawer contains programs which require a Graphics Card.
ham8-jpeg - Shows JPEG pictures in HAM8.
IFF_FX_AGA - Small AGA picture manipulator.
ImageStudio1.2.1 - Image processor.
ImageStudio - V2.00 of the great easy-to-use Image Processor.
IPR_Demo - Demo of FAST Intuitive Image Processor.
JIV - AGA/GFX card picture viewer.
jpegAGA - Another JPEG viewer.
MagicLayers - Real Time window movement.
MainActor - Animation editor/player that supports many formats.
MonEd3a - Edits properties of screenmode.
MP103 - MPEG animation player.
mpeginterface - Interface to play MPEG animations.
ntsc4ntsc - Changes screenmodes (eg PAL to NTSC).
patchpointer - Prevents annoying LOWRES AGA pointers.
PCXAGA - PCX picture viewer.
PhotoCD - Loads PhotoCD pictures into Art Department Professional.
PhotoCDAGA - Converts PhotoCD pictures to IFF/ILBM format.
PicCon - Programmer's picture convertor.
Plasma - Plasma cloud generator - very pretty!
PlayKiss - Plays 'KISS' animations.
povray - 68040 only ray-tracer.
PPShow - Flexible picture viewer.
procurepens - Colour setting software for WB3.0 or higher.
QuickGrab - Screen grabber.
Rend24 - Converts single frames to animations plus much more.
ShowPCX - Shows PCX pictures :-)
SuperViewEL - Shows many different formats, and grabs screens etc.
TIFFView114 - Reads, Views and prints loads of different formats.
TSMorph - Easy to use morphing program.
U_PAINT - Simple paint program.
Viewtek - Versatile picture viewer.
Visual1.00 - Shows HAM8 'thumbnails' of your picture collection.
vr_world - Virtual reality type 3D worlds.
wbverlauf - Rainbow coloured WB backdrops.
WBWinplay - Plays anims in WB windows.
WindowBlender - The author calls this 'Mind Candy' - who knows?
WSpeed14 - Tests the speed of your Amiga's graphics.
XAnim4 - Plays a multitude of different animation formats.
xv210 - Great image processor (Requires MUI - Inside WBTools).
ZGIF - Fast GIF viewer.
ZGIF_DRVR - Easy viewing of hundreds of GIFs.
** Index: Utilities/Icon_Tools **
INFO: Programs for editing/dealing with Icons.
Associate_V1.0 - Easy adding of Icons to files.
Iconian - Excellent shareware Icon editor.
Iconian293 - Updated version.
IconToolBox - Another well presented icon editor.
Opticon-1.8 - Optimizes icons for size/speed.
Picticon - Converts pictures to Icons.
** Index: Utilities/Misc **
INFO: Miscellaneous Programs.
AGA_Switch - Switches off AGA chipset from WB.
AlertTimer - Determines how long system alerts are displayed for.
Animan - Animated face on WB (needs sound sampler)
AWS - Shows your system's info whilst booting. Neat.
Boot020 - Boots CSA accel in 020 mode.
Busypointers - Neat AGA busypointers.
CPU-Control - Alters your processor caches etc.
EscomBoot - Boot pics with Escom logo (no icons)
exept49 - speed up hack.
FakeMouseCD32 - Use contoller as mouse on CD32.
FastMath406 - Faster maths libraries (needs FPU)
GetScreenID_1.1 - Gives screen type of screen.
HandPointer - A neat Hand pointer for WB3.
IPatch - speed-up hack.
NFABoot_V2.42 - Boot Util
NVRAM - Tool for altering the 1k non-volotile RAM on CD32.
PatchAllocMem - Changes CHIP RAM to FAST RAM.
PicBoot - Shows a picture during booting.
PointerX - Animates clock hands on mouse pointer.
Sysihack - Changes look of scroll bars etc.
VirusChecker - Great Virus Killer.
** Index: Utilities/Packers **
INFO: Tools for creating/dealing with crunched files.
Artic1_63 - Compresses files as they are used/saved (Real-Time).
CrMV1.9t - Powerful compressor.
HandyDMS - Deals with .DMS compressed files.
LZX101 - The Amiga's BEST archiving program.
** Index: Utilities/Patches+Updates **
INFO: Updates to commercial software.
a4091patch - Increases performance when using A2091 with A4000.
DataTypesGIO - A Photogenics GIO that loads Datatype pictures.
DPaint_Patch - Fixes a bug with DPaint4.6.
FinalWriter3 - Speed Improvement for FW3 for 020/030/040 users.
PC-TaskPatch3.1 - Updates PCTask 3.0.
PStream3Updates - Updates to the initially bug-ridden PageStream3.
Reko_gio - Loads Klondike cardsets into Photogenics.
Squirrel - Updates to the popular Squirrel SCSi interface for A1200.
** Index: Utilities/Shell_Tools **
INFO: These utilities all enhance the operation of the Amiga's shell (CLI)
KingCON1.3 - A very powerful Shell enhancer.
RainDIR - A very colourful replacement for standard DIR command.
TList - A very detailed replacement for LIST command.
WBinfo - Opens the Workbench information window from the CLI.
** Index: Utilities/WB_Tools **
INFO: Programs to increase your Workbench performance.
ColorPatch - Changes Workbench Colour/Contrast/Brightness etc.
DaLastAlerts3 - Records last GURU/Software failure number.
DClock15 - Digital clock for WB.
FREAK BOOT V2.6 - Boot your 1200/4000 with extra goodies!
Magicmenu - Greatly improves WB menus.
MCP - The all-in-one PD utility program (Needs MUI)
ModePro - Screen Promotor (changes one screenmode for another)
MrCopper - Puts nice coloured patterns on WB screen.
MUI - Popular Workbench enhancer.
MultiCX - Small multi-purpose commodity (screen blanking etc.)
NoAGA_1.00 - Allows running of old progs by turning off AGA chipset.
PalReq24 - 24bit palette requestor.
PKludge - Screen promotor.
PPrefs - Another screen promotor.
Rings - Puts animated rings on your WB.
SetNewLook - Corrects the white on black menu problem.
ShutWB - Allows you to close WB for more memory.
Speedsys1.0 - Small system speed-up patch.
SwazInfo - Replacement for WB Information command.
TBC - Puts a clock in your WB titlebar.
Toolmanager - Allows easy loading of WB programs.
TrashManager0.95 - Puts a trashcan icon on your Workbench screen.
VMM - Virual Memory (needs MMU)
WBHacksAGA - Gives a 1024x768 screen and HAM icons.
WBMakeLink - Makes an Icon Alias.
WBTitle - Allows changing of text in Titlebar.
WCC - WB colour changer.
** Index: AGA Utilities DMS Files **
001 - AGA UTILS 1 - Misc A1200 utils.
002 - AGA UTILS 2 - Misc A1200 utils.
003 - AGA UTILS 3 - Misc A1200 utils.
004 - A1200/4000 UTILS - Misc A1200 utils.
005 - SPECTRUM EMULATOR 1.3 - Great AGA spectrun emulator.
006 - ROBS HOT STASH #12 - Util compilation.
007 - OLLYS AGA DOO - Magic Menu plus others.
008 - SWERVE - Video backdrops.
009 - VIDEO TRACKER - Make your own demos.
010 - ASSASSINS A1200 FIXES 2 - Fixes games for AGA machines.
011 - ASSASSINS MULTIVISION - Multimedia/GFX utils.
012 - VARK CLI UTILS #4 - Some shell utils.
013 - MOVIEGUIDE (1/2) - Great movie database.
014 - MOVIEGUIDE (2/2) - Disk 2.
015 - CDROM Guide - Loads of CDROM info.
016 - Action Replay Pro - Brilliant A1200/4000 disk version.
017 - Relokick 1.4a Final - Convert your AGA into an A500.
** Index: AGA Slideshows DMS Files **
001 - STARTREK SLIDESHOW - Title speaks for itself.
002 - PAMELA ANDERSON (1/2) - Good Quality slideshow from NFA. Disk 1/2
003 - PAMELA ANDERSON (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
004 - WILD WHEELS - The worlds best muscle cars. SAdENESS Production.
005 - CLAUDIA SCHIFFER 94 (1/3) - Wow, get a load of this! from NFA.
006 - CLAUDIA SCHIFFER 94 (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
007 - CLAUDIA SCHIFFER 94 (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
008 - SHERILYN FENN - An NFA slideshow of Miss Fenn, no nudity.
009 - TREVS MUI PICS - Trevs workbench pics.
010 - UFO II (PREVIEW) - Screen shots of the game UFO 2, taken from a PC.
011 - NFA TELLY PICS - An early NFA production of Pics taken from adverts.
012 - FIGHTER 2 MANGA BABES - Pics of anime babes. SAdENESS production.
015 - FAMOUS FACES (1/5) - Supposingly pics of famous people?
016 - FAMOUS FACES (2/5) - Disk 2/5.
017 - FAMOUS FACES (3/5) - Disk 3/5.
018 - FAMOUS FACES (4/5) - Disk 4/5.
019 - FAMOUS FACES (5/5) - Disk 5/5.
020 - RAYTRACING SLIDESHOW 1 - An 'AGA Exchange Group' production.
021 - GIRLS OF MANGA #3 (1/2) - Scans taken fom the Manga movies.
022 - GIRLS OF MANGA #3 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
023 - SAdENESS BABYLON 5 SLIDESHOW - SAdENESS production of the C4 series.
024 - NFA:BIG GIRLS - Another early NFA production.
025 - NFA:BIG GIRLS II (1/3) - As you can see, things just get better.
026 - NFA:BIG GIRLS II (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
027 - NFA:BIG GIRLS II (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
028 - BLADE RUNNER JPEGS - Renders based on Blade Runner?
029 - NFA:BODYSHOP - The first ever Bodyshop from NFA.
030 - NFA:BODYSHOP II (1/2) - The second in the series.
031 - NFA:BODYSHOP II (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
032 - NFA:BODYSHOP III - More babes from the NFA team.
033 - NFA:BODYSHOP IV (1/2) - Another release from NFA.
034 - NFA:BODYSHOP IV (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
035 - NFA:BODYSHOP V (1/2) - More babes from NFA.
036 - NFA:BODYSHOP V (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
037 - NFA:BODYSHOP VI (1/2) - And more babes from NFA.
038 - NFA:BODYSHOP VI (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
039 - NFA:BODYSHOP VII (1/2) - And more!
040 - NFA:BODYSHOP VII (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
041 - NFA:BODYSHOP VIII (1/3) - A 3 disker this time from NFA.
042 - NFA:BODYSHOP VIII (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
043 - NFA:BODYSHOP VIII (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
044 - CINDY CRAWFORD 'THE WORKS' (1/3) - Wow! Richard Gere must have had...
045 - CINDY CRAWFORD 'THE WORKS' (2/3) - ...a mental block. Disk 2/3.
046 - CINDY CRAWFORD 'THE WORKS' (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
047 - ELLE MCPHERSON 'THE WORKS' (1/3) - Shes not bad, a bit thin though.
048 - ELLE MCPHERSON 'THE WORKS' (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
049 - ELLE MCPHERSON 'THE WORKS' (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
050 - NFA:ERIKA ELENIAK - An early NFA release.
051 - SAdENESS ETERNAL SLIDESHOW (1/2) - SAdENESS production of the group.
052 - SAdENESS ETERNAL SLIDESHOW (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
053 - NFA:CLAUDIA SCHIFFER - A one disk version by NFA.
054 - HOT GIRLS (1/2) - Over 70 pics taken from Playboy magazine.
055 - HOT GIRLS (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
056 - JENNY GARTH GIFS - Pics of that bird from Beverly Hills 90210.
057 - JURASSIC PARK SLIDES - 4 quality pics taken from the film.
058 - KEITH RHODES FANTASY SLIDESHOW - Brilliant hand drawn art.
059 - KEITH RHODES FANTASY SLIDESHOW II - The second in the series.
060 - LOONY GRAPHICS #5 - Hand drawn fantasy art.
061 - LOONY GRAPHICS #6 - Continuation of the above.
062 - LUNATIC NUDE SLIDES #2 - Page 3 type girls show what they got.
063 - SAdENESS MANGA BABES - Quality rendered images by Tomwoof.
064 - MOSIAC SLIDESHOW - Brilliant hand drawn art. Good review in CU.
065 - SAdENESS:NIKI TAYLOR (1/2) - SAdENESS production.
066 - SAdENESS:NIKI TAYLOR (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
067 - NFA:PHOEBE CATES - Another NFA production. I hate Phoebe Cates.
068 - RED DWARF (1/2) - Pics from the hit tv series.
069 - RED DWARF (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
070 - GIF BEAUTIES 1 - Babes in Gif format.
071 - GIF BEAUTIES 2 - same as above.
072 - GIF BEAUTIES 3 - same as above.
073 - GIF BEAUTIES 4 - same as above.
074 - GIF BEAUTIES 5 - same as above.
075 - GIF BEAUTIES 6 - same as above.
076 - GIF BEAUTIES 7 - same as above.
077 - GIF BEAUTIES 8 - same as above.
078 - GIF BEAUTIES 9 - same as above.
079 - GIF BEAUTIES 10 - same as above.
080 - GIF BEAUTIES 11 - same as above.
081 - GIF BEAUTIES 12 - same as above.
082 - GIF BEAUTIES 13 - same as above.
083 - GIF BEAUTIES 14 - same as above.
084 - GIF BEAUTIES 15 - same as above.
085 - GIF BEAUTIES 16 - same as above.
086 - GIF BEAUTIES 17 - same as above.
087 - GIF BEAUTIES 18 - same as above.
088 - TREASURES OF TUTANKHAMUN (1/2) - Egyption info and slideshow etc.
089 - TREASURES OF TUTANKHUMUN (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
090 - HOLODECK (1/2) - Rendered trekky based pics.
091 - HOLODECK (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
092 - SHAD ART (1/2) -
093 - SHAD ART (2/2) -
094 - HOLODECK II (1/2) - 21 rendered trekky based pics.
095 - HOLODECK II (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
096 - JPM'S AGA PICTURES #5 - Quality fantasy art work.
097 - JPM'S AGA PICTURES #6 - Quality fantasy art work.
098 - JPM'S AGA PICTURES #7 - Quality fantasy art work.
099 - JPM'S AGA PICTURES #8 - Quality fantasy art work.
100 - JPM'S AGA PICTURES #9 - Quality fantasy art work.
101 - JPM'S AGA PICTURES #10 - Quality fantasy art work.
102 - MINI II (1/4) - Brilliant raytraced pics. 3 meg ram required.
103 - MINI II (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
104 - MINI II (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
105 - MINI II (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
107 - CINDY CRAWFORD COLLECTION (1/2) - More great pics of Cindy C.
108 - CINDY CRAWFORD COLLECTION (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
109 - CINDY CRAWFORD COLLECTION II (1/2) - And more.
110 - CINDY CRAWFORD COLLECTION II (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
111 - MECHANETIX:ALIEN SCIENCE (1/2) - Raytraced alien pics.
112 - MECHANETIX:ALIEN SCIENCE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
113 - FIT CHIX 3 (1/2) - Babe slideshow.
114 - FIT CHIX 3 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
115 - NLP RENDERSHOW (1/2) - Superb raytraced pics.
116 - NLP RENDERSHOW (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
117 - NIGHTBREED SLIDESHOW 3 (2/2) - Mixture of topics, raytraced, fractal.
118 - NIGHTBREED SLIDESHOW 3 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
119 - STARWARS (1/2) - Good slideshow based around the film.
120 - STARWARS (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
121 - PHOTO CD SLIDESHOW - An 'AGA Exchange Group' production.
122 - RAYTRACING SLIDESHOW 2 - An 'AGA Exchange Group' production.
123 - MISC JPEG PICS - Miscellaneous pictures.
124 - MISC JPEG PICS 2 - same as above.
125 - CYNOSTIC SLIDESHOW - Various scenic pics etc.
126 - WEIRD SCIENCE 0001 - Various quality pics.
127 - WEIRD SCIENCE 0004 - Various quality pics.
128 - WEIRD SCIENCE 0005 - Various quality pics.
129 - WEIRD SCIENCE 0006 - Various quality pics.
130 - SUPERHAM 0001 - Various quality pics.
131 - SUPERHAM 0004 - Various quality pics.
132 - SUPERHAM 0005 - Various quality pics.
133 - SUPERHAM 0006 - Various quality pics.
134 - SUPERHAM 0008 - Various quality pics.
135 - SUPERHAM 0009 - Various quality pics.
136 - SUPERHAM 0010 - Various quality pics.
137 - SUPERHAM 0013 - Various quality pics.
138 - SUPERHAM 0014 - Various quality pics.
139 - SUPERHAM 0015 - Various quality pics.
140 - TRSI:SUN (1/2) - Very good hand drawn fantasy type pics.
141 - TRSI:SUN (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
142 - STARKER PRESENTS:ANNA NICOLE SMITH - Looks quite nice on these.
143 - FRIDAY THE 13TH (1/4) - Demo/Slideshow taken from the movie.
144 - FRIDAY THE 13TH (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
145 - FRIDAY THE 13TH (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
146 - FRIDAY THE 13TH (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
147 - DOOM II SLIDESHOW - Pics of Doom II, taken from the PC.
148 - NFA:PLAYMATES (1/5) - Quality NFA production, more babes.
149 - NFA:PLAYMATES (2/5) - Disk 2/5.
150 - NFA:PLAYMATES (3/5) - Disk 3/5.
151 - NFA:PLAYMATES (4/5) - Disk 4/5.
152 - NFA:PLAYMATES (5/5) - Disk 5/5.
153 - NFA:SHERILYN FENN (1/2) - Quality NFA production, Miss Fenn.
154 - NFA:SHERILYN FENN (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
** Index: AGA Demos DMS Files **
001 - FOOTSTEPS - A very good demo with a rave theme.
002 - DOVE (1/2) - Brilliant AGA demo, one of the best in my opinion.
003 - DOVE (2/2) - Disk 2 of above.
004 - WHIGFIELD SATURDAY NIGHT - very good music demo of the no.1 hit.
005 - OZONE:SWAMPTHING - Top quality music demo of the hit single.
006 - REBELS:SWITCHBACK (1/2) - Very good demo from Rebels.
007 - REBELS:SWITCHBACK (2/2) - Disk 2 of above.
008 - COMPLEX:REAL - A short but top quality AGA demo.
009 - BIG TIME SENSUALITY (1/2) - Superb, no other words to describe it.
010 - BIG TIME SENSUALITY (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
011 - CRASHTEST - Good soundtrack and effects.
012 - EMPTYHEAD - Nice demo with plenty of effects to keep you entertained.
013 - FATAL MORGANA - Old but still pretty good.
014 - FRIDAY AT 8 - A long and impressive demo from the polka bros.
015 - MILLIONS - Good AGA demo.
016 - STELLA:MINDFLOW - Excellent demo, good music, good effects.
017 - MUFFBUSTERS - Advertising the new series of Red Dwarf. (old now).
018 - SMELL LIKE CHANNEL NO 5 - Good French demo.
019 - RAYWORLD (1/3) - Demo with raytraced pics and animations.
020 - RAYWORLD (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
021 - RAYWORLD (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
022 - MOTION ORIGIN (1/2) - Takes you on a journey inside an ED209 lookalike.
023 - MOTION ORIGIN (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
024 - SORRY - Raytraced anim, plasma effects and smooth vectors etc.
025 - THE KID - Good demo but dislikes any 32 bit fast ram, degrade.
026 - VOLCANO - Load this via WB. Good music and effects.
027 - BOMB:MOTION ORIGIN II (1/2) - Average demo, has a Doom bit in it.
028 - BOMB:MOTION ORIGIN II (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
029 - SUB.L #$7F,D1, (1/4) - HD Required for this one.
030 - SUB.L #$7F,D1, (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
031 - SUB.L #$7F,D1, (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
032 - SUB.L #$7F,D1, (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
033 - ILIAD (1/4) - Cool AGA demo. Disk 1/4.
034 - ILIAD (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
035 - ILIAD (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
036 - ILIAD (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
037 - NEXUS 7 - Superb party winner *Excellent*
038 - CYCLONE - BBS advert demo on disk.
039 - APEX:DOTSY - Good demo from Apex, some nice effects.
040 - EXPLORER - Some reasonable effects, and music.
041 - HARD DAY - Not bad, but make your own mind up.
042 - IMAGINE - Take a look for yourself.
043 - OLYMPE - Pretty new, quite short.
044 - PEEWEE - Reasonably new, pretty good.
045 - SHAKKA LAKKA - Some pretty good effects here.
046 - ABBERATIONS (1/2) - requester for disk 3 is a joke.
047 - ABBERATIONS (2/2) - To enter secret part,hold down space while booting.
048 - ETERNAL MADNESS (1/2) - Mainly a music demo, not bad.
049 - ETERNAL MADNESS (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
050 - ZERO'S AND ONES - Recieved pretty good reviews.
051 - ZOO:MAP - This isn't bad, but not too exciting.
052 - SECTOR T:RUNAWAY - Pretty good, take a look.
053 - WHAMMER SLAMMER (1/3) - Brilliant demo, check out the roller coaster.
054 - WHAMMER SLAMMER (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
055 - WHAMMER SLAMMER (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
056 - TASTE THE DIFFERENCE (1/2) - Great demo, unpack now.
057 - TASTE THE DIFFERENCE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
058 - SYSTEM:JIB (1/2) - Good demo from system.
059 - SYSTEM:JIB (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
060 - SOUL KITCHEN (1/2) - Very good demo, take a look.
061 - SOUL KITCHEN (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
062 - SOME JUSTICE 030 (1/1) - Brilliant soundtrack, runs on an 030.
063 - SOME JUSTICE (1/1) - Brilliant soundtrack, runs on an 020.
064 - ZOOT JE - A crazy demo, great reviews.
065 - ANIMATUNES (1/2) - Good french demo.
066 - ANIMATUNES (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
067 - PSYCHADELIC (1/3) - HD ONLY.
068 - PSYCHADELIC (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
069 - PSYCHADELIC (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
070 - HOPEFULLY DEAD - Pretty good demo.
071 - BEHIND THE WINDOW - Short demo, nice but nothing new.
072 - CELLULAR AUTOMATA - Pretty good AGA demo.
073 - A1200/4000 COMP - Old compilation of some AGA demos.
074 - CREATURE SHOCK - Preview of the PC game 'creature shock'.
075 - CYBERWAR (1/2) - Preview type demo of the coming lawn mower man game.
076 - CYBERWAR (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
077 - POLKA BROS:EVER BEEN LONELY? - Strange and short demo by the bros.
078 - IRIS - Compilation of AGA demos.
079 - HAUJOBB:JAMMIN - Good graphical demo, but nothing too exciting.
080 - MYSTIC:ILEX - Good demo from mystic.
081 - OMEN:ANATHEMA - Short AGA intro with some spinning things.
082 - RUMBLE RUBBLE - Good effects and rave rolling credits.
083 - TROJAN:TECHNO TRAX 2 - Massive thumpin techno track.
084 - RAM JAM:IT CAN'T BE DONE (1/2) - Plenty to look at here.
O85 - RAM JAM:IT CAN'T BE DONE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
086 - SYNTEX:SCAN IS LAME (1/2) - More of a slideshow than a demo.
087 - SYNTEX:SCAN IS LAME (2/2) - Disk 2/2/.
088 - FAIRLIGHT:LOVE (1/2) - Not all that new but still very good.
089 - FAIRLIGHT:LOVE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
091 - POLKA BROS:GEVALIA - Another release from the Polka bros.
092 - POLKA BROS:ARIEL ULTRA - And another.
093 - REDNEX-QUACKBUSTED II - Some mind bending anims, good music.
094 - FAIRLIGHT:FULL MOON - Includes DOOM style section.
095 - NOXIOUS:BEYOND BELIEF - Good Intel Outside zoom logo thing.
096 - VIVID:ABSTRACT PIG - Obsession of Perspective 3D calculated dots.
097 - XANADU:EXPLICIT II - Pretty average demo.
098 - ROMBUST DEMO - hmmm, not looked at this one.
099 - TEAM HOI:PLANET GROOVE - One of the first AGA demos.
100 - POINT OF SALE - Great demo in it's time.
101 - CHROMAGIC - Cool AGA demo.
102 - PANTA RHEI - Some breath taking sections in this one.
103 - KEFRENS:INTERCHANGE - Pretty good demo from Kefrens.
104 - AESHETICA - Pretty good, some good effects.
105 - MAX OVERDRIVE (1/2) - Excellent music video.
106 - MAX OVERDRIVE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
107 - ACCESS (1/2) - pretty good AGA demo, take a look.
108 - ACCESS (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
109 - INFINITY - Not yet seen this one.
110 - PERSPEX:HYPNOSIS - Brilliant rave style demo.
112 - QED 2 (1/2) - Good reviews for QED 2.
113 - QED 2 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
114 - INFECT - Released at the party 3, not 4000 compatible.
116 - RAGING FIRE - Short AGA demo, not bad.
117 - FUTURISTIC MIND - Some good effects, released at the party 3.
118 - ACHALLAMALLA: INSANE - Good music and effects, released at party 93.
119 - BIZING IVORY - Average demo with a mario kart section in it.
120 - FUBAR-PACMAN - Short intro by Pacman of Fubar.
121 - INCARCERATED - AGA intro with nothing new but ok.
122 - MINI OMISTAN - Brilliant AGA music video.
125 - SNAKE RIDER (1/2) - A very impressive show.
126 - SNAKE RIDER (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
127 - OXYGENE:CUZCO - Great demo from Oxygene.
128 - LETHAL OVERDOSE (1/2) - Stunning AGA demo.
129 - LETHAL OVERDOSE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
130 - NOVA:SOHO (1/3) - Good demo from Nova.
131 - NOVA:SOHO (2/3) - Disk 2/3.
132 - NOVA:SOHO (3/3) - Disk 3/3.
133 - SUBLIMINAL XTC (1/2) - Brilliant music demo.
134 - SUBLIMINAL XTC (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
135 - BIOMECHANOID NO 1 - Music Disk.
136 - MELLOW MUSIC 2 - Music disk.
137 - PROJECT ALPHA (1/6) - Massive demo, unpack and take a look.
138 - PROJECT ALPHA (2/6) - Disk 2/6.
139 - PROJECT ALPHA (3/6) - Disk 3/6.
140 - PROJECT ALPHA (4/6) - Disk 4/6.
141 - PROJECT ALPHA (5/6) - Disk 5/6.
142 - PROJECT ALPHA (6/6) - Disk 6/6.
143 - TEAM HOI:MINDWARP - One of the first AGA demos.
144 - GO WITH THE FLOW - Includes in demo game.
145 - SEVENTH HEAVEN - hmm, not looked at this one.
146 - MYSTIC:VITAL - Great music, animations and more.
147 - A.DEMO (1/5) - Amiga demo, odd.
148 - A.DEMO (2/5) - Disk 2/5.
149 - A.DEMO (3/5) - Disk 3/5.
150 - A.DEMO (4/5) - Disk 4/5.
151 - A.DEMO (5/5) - Disk 5/5.
152 - DAS:OMEN - Decent AGA demo, but nothing too snazzy.
153 - TEMPLE OF DECEASE - Recieved 76% in CU, but still worth a look.
154 - LECH - Brilliant AGA demo, great effects including vector doughnut.
155 - GREEN DAY (1/2) - Needs a HD. Not bad, could have been better.
156 - GREEN DAY (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
157 - RESERVOIR DOGS (1/4) - Bad reviews but I loved it!
158 - RESERVOIR DOGS (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
159 - RESERVOIR DOGS (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
160 - RESERVOIR DOGS (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
161 - MYSTIC:DIRT - Good demo, some nice effects.
162 - TSB:VENTILATOR - Nothing too spicy but ok.
163 - TRSI:ANHALON LEWINI - Great new AGA demo from TRSI.
164 - AVALON:RESPONSE - New and pretty good, some nice touches.
165 - FAIRLIGHT:BREATHTAKER (1/5) - Massive! Fairlight extravaganza.
166 - FAIRLIGHT:BREATHTAKER (2/5) - Disk 2/5.
167 - FAIRLIGHT:BREATHTAKER (3/5) - Disk 3/5.
168 - FAIRLIGHT:BREATHTAKER (4/5) - Disk 4/5.
169 - FAIRLIGHT:BREATHTAKER (5/5) - Disk 5/5.
170 - TRSI:ARTIFICE (1/2) - Good all round demo from the TRSI team.
171 - TRSI:ARTIFICE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
172 - INFECT:BELIEVE - Fine demo, but the faster the processor the better.
173 - INFECT:BELIEVE - Disk 2/2.
174 - DUPLO:MY MAMMA IS A VAMPIRE (1/2) - Very good hyped demo.
175 - DUPLO:MY MAMMA IS A VAMPIRE (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
176 - POLKA BROS:THE PREY (1/2) - Recieved a reasonable review.
177 - POLKA BROS:THE PREY (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
178 - OXYRON:KILLING TIME (1/4) - Massive demo from Oxyron.
179 - OXYRON:KILLING TIME (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
180 - OXYRON:KILLING TIME (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
181 - OXYRON:KILLING TIME (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
182 - POLKA BROS:TWISTED (1/4) - Highly recomended by CU Amiga.
183 - POLKA BROS:TWISTED (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
184 - POLKA BROS:TWISTED (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
185 - POLAK BROS:TWISTED (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
186 - TRSI:CUBIC DREAM (1/2) - Quality Demo, kick ass.
187 - TRSI:CUBIC DREAM (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
188 - OZONE:BONZ MIX (1/2) - I've heard this one is good.
189 - OZONE:BONZ MIX (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
190 - PARALLEX/CCN:DEEP (1/2) - Cool AGA demo, brilliant effects,take a look
191 - PARALLEX/CCN:DEEP (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
192 - FACULTY:MAN ON THE MOON (1/4) - Quality demo from Faculty.
193 - FACULTY:MAN ON THE MOON (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
194 - FACULTY:MAN ON THE MOON (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
195 - FACULTY:MAN ON THE MOON (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
196 - FREEZERS:DREAMWALKER (1/2) - Very new demo from Freezers.
197 - FREEZERS:DREAMWALKER (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
198 - IMPACT DK:MELCHIOR (1/2) - Great demo, good effects.
199 - IMPACT DK:MELCHIOR (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
200 - ROOTS - Not new but still very good.
201 - RAGE:MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE II - Still one of the best AGA demos.
204 - ALWAYS - Pretty good intro.
205 - WATER WHISPER - Brilliant effects although a liitle boring.
206 - ILLUSIONS: CONTAC'TRO - Not bad but doesn't run on 040.
207 - AXIS: TIME AND EMOTION - Good music disk, August 95 release.
208 - SCOOPEX: ARTCORE - Great art gallery with touch of texture mapping.
209 - HAUJOBB: GENERATION-X (1/2) - New demo straight off the internet.
210 - HAUJOBB: GENERATION-X (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
211 - CONTROL (1/2) - New demo, but doesn't like my 040.
212 - CONTROL (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
213 - STEROIDS: UNEXPECTED (1/2) - Great new 1995 release from Steroids.
214 - STEROIDS: UNEXPECTED (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
215 - HIGH ANXIETY (1/2) - Another new release.
216 - HIGH ANXIETY (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
217 - NOP - New AGA intro.
218 - LETHAL OVERDOSE 2 (1/2) - Great new sequel to the massive original.
219 - LETHAL OVERDOSE 2 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
220 - FLYING COWS INC - 1993 release from Flying Cows.
221 - MOVEMENT: NUMB - Another new AGA demo from the internet.
222 - VIVAT SLAVAKIA (1/2) - Cool new AGA demo.
223 - VIVAT SLAVAKIA (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
224 - MELON: PLANET M - New demo but didn't like my 040.
225 - MELON: BAYGON - Another one that didn't like my 040.
226 - AXIS: PICTURE BOOK (1/4) - Superb demo, too good for words.
227 - AXIS: PICTURE BOOK (2/4) - Disk 2/4.
228 - AXIS: PICTURE BOOK (3/4) - Disk 3/4.
229 - AXIS: PICTURE BOOK (4/4) - Disk 4/4.
** Index: AGA Games DMS Files **
001 - FEARS - The original version of Fears which is still very good.
002 - BOOMIN ECK! - A superb dynablaster clone from NFA.
003 - 2 PLAYER - 2 player AGA games.
004 - ROCKETZ - A superb thrust clone in all AGA glory.
005 - ALIEN HUNTER - Haven't seen this one.
006 - BLAKE STONE PREVIEW - Preview of a PC game.
007 - KLONDIKE 3 (DISK A) - The latest in the Klondike series. HD only.
008 - KLONDIKE 3 (DISK B) - Disk 2/4.
009 - KLONDIKE 3 (DISK C) - Disk 3/4.
010 - KLONDIKE 3 (DISK D) - Disk 4/4.
011 - FEARS II - The best Amiga Doom clone available.
012 - ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE II - Brilliant gory shoot em up.
013 - CLASSIC ART - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
014 - FACES - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
015 - FACES TOO - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
016 - HAJIMEL FANTASY - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
017 - IRON MAIDEN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
018 - PUZZLED? - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
019 - SANDMEN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
020 - SORYAMA - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
021 - SWIMSUIT - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
022 - MADFIGHTERS - Street Fighter II clone.
023 - BACMAN - Briliant pacman clone in superb AGA glory.
024 - TURBOJAM - Very good playable preview of a top view racer.
025 - SAMURAI SHOWDOWN - Street Fighter II clone.
026 - CLAUDIA SCHIFFER - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
027 - DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
028 - FLOWERS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
029 - STAR WARS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
030 - EMPIRE STRIKES BACK - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
031 - RETURN OF THE JEDI - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
032 - LION KING - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
033 - NBA BASKETBALL - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
034 - ART OF BREAKING HEADS (0/5) - Brilliant beat em up.
035 - AOBH (1/5) - Disk 2.
036 - AOBH (2/5) - Disk 3.
037 - AOBH (3/5) - Disk 4.
038 - AOBH (4/5) - Disk 5.
039 - AOBH (5/5) - Disk 6.
040 - VIPER - Snake game.
041 - DELUXE GALAGA v2.60 -
042 - CINDY CRAWFORD - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
043 - ANIME - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
044 - ELLE MCPHERSON - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
045 - BETTY PAGE - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
046 - STARTREK - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
047 - XENOSTAR - Good AGA game.
048 - CYBERTECH CORP (1/2) - Alien Breed style shoot em up.
049 - CYBERTECH CORP (2/2) - Disk 2.
050 - ROBS HOT GAMES #7 - Compilation of AGA games.
051 - ROBS HOT GAMES #8 - Compilation of AGA games.
052 - BAZZA 'N' RUNT - Platform game.
053 - ALIEN BREED 3D - Great demo of Team 17 smash.
054 - TRICK OR TREAT - Doom style 2 player action.
055 - MEGABALL - Bat n Ball action.
056 - DENTAKU - Superb doom clone, get ready.
057 - KEWL - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
058 - KNOTTY - Slider, in all AGA glory.
059 - NIBBY NIBBLER - Cross between Pacman and Worms.
060 - X-MEN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
061 - FAST CARS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
062 - DR WHO - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
063 - MARILYN MONROE - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
064 - PREHELION - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
065 - RANMA - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
066 - SAILOR MOON - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
067 - BIKINI - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
068 - FRACTAL - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
069 - DRAGON LANCE - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
070 - RIPPING YARNS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
071 - SHERILYN FENN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
072 - BEAUTY - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
073 - ARCHILLEOS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
074 - HEROINE - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
075 - STARTREK 'NEXT GENERATION' - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
076 - SPACE - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
077 - PRETTY WOMEN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
078 - NORMAL - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
079 - AMIGA ART - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
080 - BODYSHOP - An Exclusive card set to the CD by NFA.
081 - ROSES - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
082 - HIRED GUNS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
083 - ELLE MCPHERSON 2 - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
084 - PLAYBOY - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
085 - FLINTSTONES - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
086 - GREMLINS - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
087 - RESERVOIR DOGS - An Exclusive card set to the CD by NFA.
088 - STARGATE - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
089 - THE MASK - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
090 - EVERTON - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
091 - REN & STIMPY - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
092 - DREAM GIRLS II - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
093 - ASTERIX - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
094 - STREET FIGHTER II - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
095 - PULP FICTION - An Exclusive card set to the CD by NFA.
096 - KYLIE - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
097 - DRAGONSLAIR - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
098 - WOMAN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
099 - BODYSHOP II - An Exclusive card set to the CD by NFA.
100 - OCEAN - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
101 - BIRDS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
102 - MAMMALS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
103 - PREHISTORIC - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
104 - 'GENERATIONS' - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
105 - EROTICA - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
106 - NEW ROSES - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
107 - FRACTASM - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
108 - PATRICIA FORD - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
109 - RECORD COVERS - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
110 - DOOM II - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
111 - WALLACE AND GROMIT - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
112 - PLAYBOY 2 - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
113 - PACIFIC - Card set for use with Klondike 2 or 3.
114 - BABYLON 5 - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
115 - ARNIE - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
116 - ROCKO'S MODERN LIFE - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
117 - TIMECOP - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
118 - GLOOM - Brill blow em up doom clone action demo.
119 - WARP - A great AGA doom beater.
120 - DENTAWOLF - Brill doom clone (not 4000 compatible)
121 - DOGENSTEIN - Preview of a new doom clone.
122 - TEXT DEMO 5.7 - Brilliant walk about doom clone preview.
123 - SPEED - Excellent, krypton factor meets doom.
124 - DAMAGE WOLF - One of the best AGA doom clone, not 040 compatible.
125 - FEARS JULY 1995 PREVIEW - The latest and best version of Fears.
126 - TRUE LIES - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
127 - BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
128 - BATMAN FOREVER - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
129 - SPEED - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
130 - HARD TARGET - Superb card set for Klondike by NFA.
131 - BODYSHOP III - An Exclusive card set to the CD by NFA.
132 - BABES GALORE - An Exclusive card set to the CD by NFA.
133 - NIGHTMARE BEFORE XMAS - Superb card set by NFA.
134 - EXCELLENT CARD GAMES III - Similar to the Klondike fashion.
** Index: AGA Disk Magazines DMS Files **
001 - THE WORD #5 - The finest disk magazine available. An NFA production.
002 - ALIENS MULTIMEDIA CONFIDENTIAL (1/9) - Brilliant multimedia package.
003 - A.M.C (2/9) - Disk 2/9
004 - A.M.C (3/9) - Disk 3/9
005 - A.M.C (4/9) - Disk 4/9
006 - A.M.C (5/9) - Disk 5/9
007 - A.M.C (6/9) - Disk 6/9
008 - A.M.C (7/9) - Disk 7/9
009 - A.M.C (8/9) - Disk 8/9
010 - A.M.C (9/9) - Disk 9/9
011 - ROM 3 - A well presented disk mag, but articles aren't too great.
012 - CHANNEL Z #1 - Not brilliantly presented but has some good reads.
013 - CHANNEL Z #2 - The second in the series of a new disk mag.
014 - CHANNEL Z #3 (1/2) - Issue 3, more news, articles etc.
015 - CHANNEL Z #3 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
016 - CHANNEL Z #5 (1/2) - Issue 5, and more news, articles.
017 - CHANNEL Z #5 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
018 - CHANNEL Z #6 (1/2) - Includes pd reviews, pics, demo and more.
019 - CHANNEL Z #6 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
020 - THE WORD #6 - More news, articles from NFA. BRILLIANT.
021 - THE KILLERS - A gruesome disk mag from NFA, a killing theme.
022 - THE WORD #7 (1/2) - The lastest in the brilliant series.
023 - THE WORD #7 (2/2) - Disk 2/2.
024 - NFA: OUT OF SPACE #1 - Brilliant UFO disk mag from NFA.
025 - NFA: OUT OF SPACE #2 - Second issue of the new disk mag.
026 - NFA: OUT OF SPACE #3 - And another great alien issue.
** Index: AGA Animations DMS Files **
001 - TRIP IN A VEIN (1/7) - A superb animation, similar to Microcosm.
002 - TRIP IN A VEIN (2/7) - Disk 2/7.
003 - TRIP IN A VEIN (3/7) - Disk 3/7.
004 - TRIP IN A VEIN (4/7) - Disk 4/7.
005 - TRIP IN A VEIN (5/7) - Disk 5/7.
006 - TRIP IN A VEIN (6/7) - Disk 6/7.
007 - TRIP IN A VEIN (7/7) - Disk 7/7.
** Index: Music Modules **
Guitar Slinger - The best mod in my oppinion.
Guitar Squeeze - Very good guitar sampled mod, not as good as above.
Jimi Hendrix - Brilliant guitar riffs.
Jamiroquai - Excellent mod of Jamiroquai's 'Emergency On Planet Earth'.
Inside - Relaxing mod straight from the internet.
Let It Linger - Another relaxing mod from the internet.
Steve Spam - An old but very funny mod.
Cotton Eye Joe - Very similar to the number one hit from Rednex
Light My Fire - Good mod, taken from the chart release.
Parklife - The best pop mod taken from Blurs award winner.
Mr Vain - Taken from the number one single.
The Cutti - Very good music mod, great samples.
No Good - Great mod taken from Prodigys 'No Good, Start The Dance'.
World Mix - Massive mod, needs alot of memory.